BAQ Sales Business Assessment Questionnaire – Sales Company name Email address Does your volume of business vary from season to season? YesNo Does any single customer account for a large portion of your sales volume? YesNo If so, would the business be able to survive without this customer? YesNo Do you have a sales team? YesNo If so, how many are full time? part time? If so, are your sales people: insideoutsideboth? Do you use distributors? YesNo Do you have a written sales process? YesNo Do you consistently track sales activity and performance (number of calls, closing ratio, etc)? YesNo Do you train your staff on a regular basis with sales workshops and meetings? YesNo Do you have sales quotas? YesNo Do you have a sales incentive plan? YesNo Are your sales based on responses to Requests For Proposals (RFPs)? YesNo Do you allow sales people to negotiate price or terms? YesNo Can your customers phone or email repeat orders to you? YesNo How often do your sales people call on accounts? Do you have defined geographic territories? YesNo Do you have defined channels of distribution? YesNo Do you keep a list of current and past customers and prospects? YesNo Do you have a list of references, such as past clients, suppliers and customers? YesNo Do you provide your sales staff with the tools and information they need (demos, brochures, etc)? YesNo Do you follow up with customers who have left you to find out why? YesNo Do you follow up with prospects who have not bought from you to find out why? YesNo Do you participate in trade shows or expos? YesNo Note that #1 means you strongly agree, #2 means you somewhat agree, #3 means you neither agree nor disagree, #4 means you somewhat disagree and #5 means you strongly disagree. Our sales staff (including owner/CEO) has received formal sales training 12345 We use scripts in our initial potential customer contacts 12345 We have regular sales meetings 12345 The sales team works well with other areas of the company 12345 I am satisfied with the level of performance of our sales staff 12345 The sales team feels strongly motivated to sell 12345 I am willing to barter to make a sale 12345 Our sales staff has freedom to cut deals to make a sale 12345 Our sales reps are responsible for certain things after the sale 12345 Our sales reps receive their pay whether or not we get paid 12345 Our sales reps want more things to sell 12345 Δ