BAQ Technology Business Assessment Questionnaire – Technology Nombre de empresa Dirección de correo electrónico Is there someone who handles your IT for you who would be better answering IT questions? If so who? How many computer work stations do you have? What operating system(s) do you use on the work stations? WindowsMacLinux Do you have any servers? síNo a. If so, how many are: In-house , Co-located , Hosted ? b. If so, what does each do? 1. 2. 3. Do you have Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS) on every workstation and server? síNo If no, do you use surge protectors (not power strips)? síNo Do you plug your monitors and peripherals into the surge protectors or UPS? síNo Please provide the name of your Internet service provider (ISP): Type: Dial-upDSLCableSateliteFiver Optic Do you have an automated backup system? síNo Do you remove backups from the premises regularly? síNo Have you tested your back up system by attempting to restore files? síNo What email program do you use? Do you have a need to save emails and/or instant messages? síNo Do you use cloud services? síNo a. If so, what are they? b. What anti-virus software(s) do you use? síNo What other software is installed? Microsoft OfficeOutlookOutlook ExpressQuickbooks a. b. c. d. Are software updates including virus definitions automatic? síNo Do you use “point of sale” (POS) system? síNo If so, what one? Does your business need high computing power for graphics? síNo Does your business need high computing power for accounting and/or database management? síNo Does your business need a solution where clients/customers can share documents? síNo Does your business need a way to sign documents online? síNo Do you need to access your computer(s) and/or network remotely? síNo Does your business use special peripherals? síNo If so, what kind? Do you have a fax machine? síNo Do you forward faxes to your computer? síNo Do you use an I-pad and/or smart phone in your business? síNo Do you regularly change passwords? síNo Are your passwords comprised of various types of characters (alpha, numeric, symbols)? síNo Do you keep passwords on “cheat sheets” near your desk? síNo How many years of experience do you have using computers? What security have you implemented? Hardware FirewallSoftware FirewallNone Name 3 sources where you acquire your technology? 1. 2. 3. Who maintains operation and care of hardware and software? Do you have a budget for computer maintenance and upgrades? síNo Would you benefit from live video like Skype? síNo Tenga en cuenta que #1 significa que está totalmente de acuerdo, #2 significa que estás algo de acuerdo, #3 significa que no está de acuerdo ni en desacuerdo, #4 significa que está algo en desacuerdo y #5 significa que está totalmente en desacuerdo. Our tech infrastructure is strong 12345 We’re always on the lookout for new technology 12345 We supply our staff with the best technology available 12345 I am constantly challenged by new technology 12345 I believe nationally branded computers are better than local custom builds 12345 Δ