BAQ Facilities

Business Assessment Questionnaire – Facilities

    Is your space:

    If rented, is your gas & electric included in the rent?

    If rented, is your water included in the rent?

    If rented, does your lease include a percentage of profit clause?

    Have you analyzed the facility for energy efficiency?

    What are your normal business hours?

    Who has keys?

    Do you have a fire extinguisher on premises?

    Do you have a first aid kit on premises?

    How many phones (land lines) do you have?

    Do you have a voice messaging system?

    Do you plan on decorating your space for holidays?

    Tenga en cuenta que #1 significa que está totalmente de acuerdo,

    #2 significa que estás algo de acuerdo,

    #3 significa que no está de acuerdo ni en desacuerdo,

    #4 significa que está algo en desacuerdo y

    #5 significa que está totalmente en desacuerdo.

    My facilities are great for what I do.

    When I do improvements I plan for the long run.

    I might remodel my space without getting the required permit(s).

    Building codes are very important.

    I don’t need a cleaning service.

    #I would like to open up other locations.
